Mme Michèle Salem

Lecturer University Paris CitéCiTCoM
Tel :: Number

Biographical Info

Teaching :

  • Biophysics for pharmaceutical sciences

Research :

  • Structural biology (crystallography, SAXS)
  • Proteins cloning, expression and purification
  • Membrane proteins, antibiotics resistance
  • Macromolecules interaction

Activities :

  • Social welfare Commission member of the Health Faculty

Selected publications :

  • Greber BJ, Gerhardy S, Leitner A, Leibundgut M, Salem M, Boehringer D, Leulliot N, Aebersold R, Panse VG, Ban N. Insertion of the Biogenesis Factor Rei1 Probes the Ribosomal Tunnel during 60S Maturation. Cell, 2016, 164 (1-2), pp.91-102. (1016/j.cell.2015.11.027).
  • Michèle Salem, Yves Mauguen and Thierry Prangé. Revisiting glutaraldehyde cross-linking : the case of the Arg–Lys intermolecular doublet. Acta Cryst, 2010, F 66, pp.225–228. (10.1107/S1744309109054037).
  • Salem M, Mauguen Y, Prange T. On the edge of the denaturation process : Application of X-ray diffraction to barnase and lysozyme cross-linked crystals with denaturants in molar concentrations. BBA-Proteins Proteomics, 2006, 1764, pp.903-912. (1016/j.bbapap.2006.02.009).
  • Grizot S, Salem M, Vongsouthi V, Durand L, Moreau F, Dohi H, Vincent S, Escaich S, Ducruix A. Structure of the Escherichia coli heptosyltransferase WaaC : binary complexes with ADP and ADP-2-deoxy-2-fluoro heptose. J Mol Biol, 2006, 363, pp.383-394. (1016/j.jmb.2006.07.057).